Dalit Steinbrecher

Hi there! my name is Dalit Steinbrecher, don’t feel bad if you can't pronounce my name, even in Isreal (where I was born) it's an uncommon name. I'm a product designer currently based in New York.... for more info/contact
Experimental Code
Code & Design Experiments
#Project 1 A project inspired by my Swiss friend that used to live in Israel. She knows how to speak Hebrew but doesn't know how to write in Hebrew. Every time she used to text me, she wrote in Hebrew but with English letters. The fact that I was still able to understand what she was writing was really interesting to me. I discovered that the "Academy of the Hebrew Language" wrote a transliteration (I didn’t know there’s a word for this either) for letters between the two languages. So for this project, I made a system that attempts to reproduce this method automatically.

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#Project 2 The following project is a generator that combines poetry written by poets and pop culture songs. I want to see if the combination of the two can create something new that works together. Every time that the user clicks on the refresh button new songs are created and displayed on the website.

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#Project 3 For this project I wanted to create a visualization for a song, something like karaoke slides. I chose the beginning of Porcelain by MOBY. The visualization happens in two manners: the first as an amplitude that will describe the music and the second as words that will be displayed at the moments that they appear in the song.

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