Dalit Steinbrecher
I'm a product designer based in New York, specializing in creating unique user experiences across digital and physical mediums.

Art and design drive my day-to-day choices – where I eat, what I wear, the apartment I live in and the objects inside it, which products I reach for in the grocery aisle. In the last 4 years of living in Tel Aviv and New York, I haven’t missed a single new exhibition – not an easy feat in New York.

I studied visual communication at Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, where my favorite classes focused on conceptual and design thinking, in particular at the intersection of design and technology. During and after my studies I worked as a UX/UI designer in Tel Aviv’s vibrant start-up industry.

In my roles as a product designer, I was involved in the entire production process, from setting the road map through A/B testing. I loved working with product managers and programmers – and realized that the best way to meaningfully translate the importance of quality design and UX to all aspects of a product was to broaden my technical skills.

As part of the Interactive Telecommunications Program (ITP) at NYU, my projects and prototypes have given me the opportunity to wear different hats: I’m a product manager, a programmer, and a designer. Whether working on new features for a product, user experience for a website or an app, or creating a prototype for a product not yet invented working across the different disciplines of product development has helped me drive better products and better design.

Awards: The Intimacy Of Social Distancing - an interactive art gallery that I designed.Won Honorable Mention at Awwwardes.

The Spectrum - my bachelor's final project was a nominee for the best website at Awwwardes.

Producing the first interactive commercial in Israel for April cosmetic company. My role included writing the script, directing, and editing.

Won the student category of theGolden Cactus award.his contest is the biggest advertisement event in Israel. Our project was later bought by Aroma Israel (one of the biggest coffee chains in Israel) for a holiday campaign.