Dalit Steinbrecher

Hi there! my name is Dalit Steinbrecher, don’t feel bad if you can't pronounce my name, even in Isreal (where I was born) it's an uncommon name. I'm a product designer currently based in New York.... for more info/contact
UX/ UI design
Blank-It was created for an assignment for the Interactive Lab course that  dealt with speculative design. The goal was to create a language between a user and an object. My colleague, Lior Manella, and I chose the most comforting object - a blanket!  The first phase was to explore our object. Where is the blanket usually used? At what hours does the user use it? how can we improve it? Following the research we did on how humans can improve their sleeping habits, we decided on the features of Blank-It: Control the temperature of the blanket, the thickness of the blanket (loose or tight), vibration, and even set an alarm clock. All of these are features that the user can modify and change in order to experience the best quality sleep. Once we designed the interface we started to think about the full experience. We acted as the user and that made us realize that the user interface must be on the ceiling, while lying in bed.