Dalit Steinbrecher

Hi there! my name is Dalit Steinbrecher, don’t feel bad if you can't pronounce my name, even in Isreal (where I was born) it's an uncommon name. I'm a product designer currently based in New York.... for more info/contact
Light In a Bag
When I just moved to New York I used to sit outside on our roof and eat take outs until it became really dark. One time when it started to get dark a friend of mine took his cellphone and turned up his flashlight and put it inside one of the takeout paper bags. It wasn't that dark anymore. That simple solution was my inspiration for this project.

I wanted to create an outdoor lamp from cheap materials like a takeout paper bag and control it with an intuitive motion that relates t othe bag. I decided to use a string, usually used to close and tie bags as the control. Tightening the string will open and close the bag and the light.

The process includes trying different papers in different thicknesses. I needed a paper that will be strong but also a bit transparent in order for the light to be seen. I also tried different LEDs and different quantities of them. In the end, I connected everything together, and built the bag.

About the process and more